Sunday 30 January 2011

Ville Valo-he's so pretty!

Short portrait project and I chose the very beautiful Ville Valo from the Finnish band HIM
First band I ever met and when I met him I was so over excited that this is roughly how the conversation went....

"Hello Lucy"
" have the same shoes as you!........"

(imagine manic smiling and enthusiastic pointing at both our Converse trainers)

"Bye Lucy"

That was it he was whisked off to do other rock and roll things and my chances of becoming Mrs Lucy Valo went right out the window.

Never mind, anyway I thought I would post one of their videos so you can have a cheeky perv.

Animal Farm Book cover

A short project to design a book cover for George Orwell's "Animal Farm" I am having serious problems with my scanner though which is effecting the quality of what I can put online, it's a little bit smashy-things up annoying!!!!